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last edited
by Alan Liu 15 years ago
Schedule of Readings and Assignments for English 236
The first four classes of the course focus on selected readings designed to start students thinking about the relation between literary interpretation and other paradigms of research. These classes will run in normal discussion mode. From Class 5 on, the course will enter workshop mode where everything is geared toward facilitating–and keeping the rest of the class informed about--team projects. Some of the workshop classes will feature presentations of projects-in-progress; others will be "studio" sessions giving team members a chance to work side by side.
 = Solo assignment  = Team assignment
Section 1: Theory
Class 1 (January 7) — Introduction: The Idea of Literature+
- "Close Reading"
- Exemplary Poems
- Close Reading Theory (the "New Criticism")
- Cleanth Brooks, "The Heresy of Paraphrase" and "Keats's Sylvan Historian," from his Well Wrought Urn (1947) [course reader]
- Some Recent Challenges to Close Reading
- "Distant Reading"
- Franco Moretti, Graphs, Maps, Trees (Verso, 2005), pp. 1-4 [purchase this book from the UCSB bookstore]
- Jeremy Douglass, Cultural Analytics demo
- "Deformance" Reading
- Non-Hermeneutic (Non-Interpretive) Reading
- Friedrich A. Kittler, Discourse Networks, 1800/1900, trans. Michael Metteer with Chris Cullens (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1990) (orig. pub. in German in 1985 as Aufscreibesysteme)
- Friedrich A. Kittler, "There Is No Software," CTheory (Oct. 10, 1995)
- Theory of this Course
- Alan Liu, "Digital Humanities and Academic Change," English Language Notes 47 (2009), special issue on "Experimental Literary Education": 17-35 [locked resource; course login required]
- Articles resulting from the 2008 version of this course, forthcoming in Investigating Digital Tools, Texts, and Use Practices: Collaborative Approaches to Research in English Studies, ed. Laura McGrath
Class 2 (January 14) — Distant Reading
- Franco Moretti
- Fernand Braudel
- Extract from the Preface of The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II (1976), in Braudel, On History, trans. Sarah Matthews (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980), pp 3-5 [course reader]
- Table of Contents from The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II (1976)
- Extract from "History and the Social Sciences," in Braudel, On History, trans. Sarah Matthews (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980), pp. 25-34 [course reader]
- Lynn Hunt, "French History in the Last Twenty Years: The Rise and Fall of the Annales Paradigm," Journal of Contemporary History, 21 (1986): 209-24 (access from UCSB campus or use Library Proxy server)
Create a bio for the Class Members page of the course wiki; include your intellectual interests. (For details, see Assignments)
Class 3 (January 21) — Text Analysis: Concordance, Model, Deformance?
- Text Analysis
- Tools
- Theory of Text Analysis
- Modeling Theory
- Willard McCarty, Humanities Computing (Palgrave MacMillan, 2005), pp. 20-72 [course reader]
- Deformance Theory
Teams to be formed in class on this date. [Students may choose instead to work individually on projects supporting their dissertations.]
Class 4 (January 28) — Datamining, Pattern Recognition, Visualization (with an addendum on Social Computing)
At least one team-meeting outside class by this date to begin brainstorming. (For details, see Assignments)
Class 5 (February 4) — Project Idea Presentations
Choose a literary work (or part of a work) that the team will work on. Present to the class your team's rationale for choosing the work and at least two initial project ideas. (For details, see Assignments)
Class 6 (February 11) — Workshop
Create an annotated bibliography of 5 research resources related to your team's project (including not only items from the relevant secondary, theoretical, or technical literature but also at least one online or downloadable tool that might be added to the Toy Chest). (For details, see Assignments)
Class 7 (February 18) — Workshop
Write 4-page research report on one of the items in your annotated bibliography. (For details, see Assignments)
Class 8 (February 25) — Workshop
Class 9 (March 4) — Workshop
Class 10 (March 11) — Final Presentations
Formal presentations of team projects. (For details, see Assignments)
(March 15)
Final essay or other form of combined analytical/reflective/creative thinking about your team project or its primary literary work due. (For details, see Assignments)
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